Project Life: Travel Edition: Arrival

Thursday, July 25, 2013 0 Comments A+ a-

Hello crafters! I have another Project Life page for you today. My project life pages don't necessarily go together in the sense that they are the same event/time period on each double page. This one is about our arrival in Zambia and our hotel, but the facing page is about activities we did in the beginning days of the trip. 

For the little people that are on the page, they are a stamped image. It's from the Sightseer stamp set from Close to my heart. There were 7 girls on the trip and one boy, so that is what there is in the stamping. I thought that it would be a good way to use that stamp as well as show the people on the trip. 

This page is mostly pictures because I took a lot of pictures on my trip. If the pictures don't have any specific story attached to them, my plan is to make them in project life format. If they are more detailed stories there will be a scrapbook layout close to the divided layout that goes along with it. I hope that make sense to you. Once I get my album done I will share pictures of what I am talking about. A couple of the pictures are going to show up in 2 places, but that's ok with me.

I will share more about that later. 

Thanks for stopping by!