Simply Paper Contest

Monday, March 14, 2011 0 Comments A+ a-

HI everyone!

As well as writing my own blog(s) I also read many other ones. One of them is Simply Paper. The author of this blog is a newly made Dusty Attic retailer. She will be selling the stock on her etsy page. When the order comes in you will be able to find it here Etsy Shop. Her blog link is Simply Paper. She is currently running a giveaway for a Dusty Attic prize pack. The best part about her new store is that she is in Canada! That is great news for those of us who live in Canada!

This is some of the items that she will have featured in her Etsy Store.


She often features very good designs on her pages and I encourage you all to go to her blog and take a look.

More to come later!