Cheap Supplies
Hello again!
I just wanted to share something with all of you quickly. I got a lot of my scrapbooking basics for very little money. Places like the dollar store are great for picking up ribbon, lace, even fabric sometimes. You can also get some stickers there or paints, yarn, twine, embellishments. There is a whole bunch of stuff that you can get from the dollar store!
I encourage you all to go there and look in the craft sections to see what you can find! You just might find something that will inspire your whole page.
Another place that I get a lot of my paper from is WalMart. They usually have packs of paper that you can pick up for a lot less than the crafting stores. Of course if you want the pretty patterned paper you will have to go to the craft stores or shop around online.
Just thought I would offer up this advice to anyone looking to save a few dollars!