This is my first video that I have ever done. Sorry the lighting is so horrible. I will try to make it better for the next kit that I receive.
Sorry this is my first video. I will try to get a better situation for next time.
Favouite TV show Layout
My fiancee and I decided that we wanted to document our favourite tv shows on scrapbooking layout!We only have one show done and that is the Gilmore Girls. Now I didn't take these pictures myself, I borrowed them from the internet. I don't intend on selling them, just enjoying them on my kitchen cupboard. That is where we are putting them to balance out the dark brown of the kitchen cupboards.
It isn't a very complicated layout because I wanted the colours and pattern to really show through. I picked those on purpose in relation to the show because they compliment the show a lot.
For the tag, I simply traced another one that I had in the paper that I wished to use!
More later!
New Slice Cartridge- Je T'adore
I got a few new Slice cartridges in the mail this week. This posting is about Je T'adore and a great layout I made as an example of what you can do if you should be so luck to be able to go to Paris. I have never been to Paris so this is more a wall art for me right now. I love Paris so much and I can't wait until I get to go there!
Je T'adore is french for I like that/I like you/I love that/you. I personally love this card! It has so many great scrolls and shapes on it and the font that it comes with is to die for! I love love the font. I made a page of Paris. I printed pictures off the internet for it. I was inspired to do this page because of the design card.
Here are some of the details of the page. The paper I used was from Prima Marketing, Botanical Collection "My Darling". I love this paper and I really wanted to let it show through, so I just used some charcoal coloured cardstock and then some grey for the dimension colours.
I used the shadowing feature on the card to create that look you see on the fleur de lis and the Je t'aime. On the Fleur i used some pop up dots to make it more dimensional.
Look at that font! The eiffel tower was something that I did instead of the 'a'. It doesn't come like there is an actual 'a' in the font collection. I just wanted to use the tower. It's what made me want to make this page!
Stay tuned for more fun!
Scrapbook Nook March Kit: Layout 1
Hi everyone! I got my scrapbook nook kit in the mail today! I immediately made a page with it. I got inspiration from in the gallery there. The kit is made up of Crate Paper products from the Emma's Shoppe collection. The alpha letters are from American Crafts.
Their website is here for more details on that. *I don't receive any free products from them I just like the kits*
Here is my page that I made tonight using the new kit.
And some of the details on the page.
These pictures are from my Aunt's wedding in 2009, I just haven't had the right inspiration to do her justice since then. This collection just seemed perfect for that 'princess bride' on her wedding day!
Hope you enjoyed it!
Girls Just Want to Have Fun
After having gotten my new printer I wanted to try it of course. I had a layout in mind that I wanted to try so I gave it a go.
I used flowers that I had cut out from my slice and some punches that I had gotten for the butterflies. I was trying to keep it in the spring/tropical colour palette because that is where we went.
My aunt and I went to the Cambridge Butterfly Conser
vatory to check it out for my wedding. I am pretty sure it is where I am getting married. Anyway, I wanted to remember the planning process and what a good time my aunt and I have together. Although this was more of a serious day for us.
Here are the pictures!
See you all later!
New Printer
Hello everyone! I got a new printer so now I can print my pictures at home! I will also be able to have more creative ability to create additions to my pictures in terms of editing before printing. This is going to open up so many possibilities for me now!
I got a Canon printer. I am not sure of the specific kind but it was recommended by the store for what I wanted to use it.
I made a page last night featuring some pictures that I printed off. So stay tuned for that!
See you later!
Easter Cards
I just wanted to share with you all my newly created Easter cards. I haven't made cards before but I have a whole bunch of them that I bought so I decided to start with Easter and make some.
These are very simple, i just used some different colours of paper cut to the size of the card. Some I put stickers on, some have flowers that I made, other have some punches on them. What I liked about making my own was that they card itself probably only cost me about 50 cents or so to make. Much better price than in any store!
Have fun creating!
Make your own Embellishments- Part Two
Flowers! Everyone loves them but they are so much money to buy.
Then I made them dimensional with some pop up dots!
Have some fun creating!
Make your own Embellishments- Part One
We all know that supplies for scrapbooking are expensive. Especially those for adding depth and creativity to your page. What if you made your own? They would be unique because you made them and they would be less expensive than buying them from a crafting store.
My friends, family and I all like to play cards and board games. Since we have a bunch of decks of cards I thought I would use some to make an embellishment for my pages. We really like to play Euchre in particular, so I took some of those cards used to play Euchre and made the perfect hand with them. I just used a hot glue gun and glued the cards to one another.
Very easy and super inexpensive! Not only that you used up something that you had lying around the house that wasn't needed anymore!
Dream Christmas Layout
Hi everyone!
This is a page that I made shortly after Christmas this year with some pages that I ordered from Scrap That! The papers are great I love them so much! I am so glad that I got two so that I could use the coordinating back of one of them. This is a great idea and I think I may do it more often.
I love purple so much and this Christmas paper had a lot of purple in it. Which is also good because the subject of the layout is my two year old niece and she is more into pinks and purples right now rather than the traditional Christmas colours.
She is usually cute (of course) but this day she wanted her picture taken so badly, and she usually does these really sweet, but really cheesy smiles and this was one that wasn't like that.
I used this paper from Scrap That, I am not sure who makes it though. I really wanted to accentuate her youth and this playful nature that she has, but also that really sweet smile in the picture. As well I wanted to draw in that it was Christmas and Winter when the picture was taken. I used some patterned cardstock to create a border down the one side of the paper to bring in some of those traditional colours that match her Santa hat
The flowers and dream were made using the Slice Design cutter. I had some Disney princess pieces left from a previous page and added those on as well. I had just gotten some snowmen and I thought they would be a good addition to both show her playfulness and the Christmas season.
The flowers and dream were made using the Slice Design cutter. I had some Disney princess pieces left from a previous page and added those on as well. I had just gotten some snowmen and I thought they would be a good addition to both show her playfulness and the Christmas season.
Simply Paper Contest
HI everyone!
As well as writing my own blog(s) I also read many other ones. One of them is Simply Paper. The author of this blog is a newly made Dusty Attic retailer. She will be selling the stock on her etsy page. When the order comes in you will be able to find it here Etsy Shop. Her blog link is Simply Paper. She is currently running a giveaway for a Dusty Attic prize pack. The best part about her new store is that she is in Canada! That is great news for those of us who live in Canada!
This is some of the items that she will have featured in her Etsy Store.
She often features very good designs on her pages and I encourage you all to go to her blog and take a look.
More to come later!
Cheap Supplies
Hello again!
I just wanted to share something with all of you quickly. I got a lot of my scrapbooking basics for very little money. Places like the dollar store are great for picking up ribbon, lace, even fabric sometimes. You can also get some stickers there or paints, yarn, twine, embellishments. There is a whole bunch of stuff that you can get from the dollar store!
I encourage you all to go there and look in the craft sections to see what you can find! You just might find something that will inspire your whole page.
Another place that I get a lot of my paper from is WalMart. They usually have packs of paper that you can pick up for a lot less than the crafting stores. Of course if you want the pretty patterned paper you will have to go to the craft stores or shop around online.
Just thought I would offer up this advice to anyone looking to save a few dollars!
Slice Design Cuter
Hi everyone!
I recently got a Slice Elite design cutter and I love it! Mine is the pink version because I wanted pink more than blue. So far I only have the one card that came with it. I also bought the hands free kit to go with it because I didn't want to have to sit there and hold the machine while it is going. I accidentally got the blue hands free kit as I didn't know that they made them in the two colours to match the Slice cutter.
I love my Slice. I think that it works great! The only thing is that with anything which cuts paper, the blades dull very quickly. You do have to replace them but it's very easy to do.
I have used the Slice for cutting out flowers, letters, words, shapes, and frames. I think I have tried a little bit of everything that came on the basics one card. I am getting the Basic Shapes 2 and the Wedding card so I will post about their various shapes.
One thing that I do love about the Slice is that you can use the shadow feature to layer things. I have been experimenting with flowers for now, but maybe I can try some other shapes once I get them.
Another thing, it's not really bad, the adhesive that comes with the machine, doesn't work the greatest. I am going to get some of the spray kind to see if it works better and will for sure let you know the differences between the two. I am just going to use up the stuff that came with it before buying more.
For all my pages that have something cut by the Slice I will mention it because I have used it so many times it would be difficult to select certain designs for this. I love my Slice, I haven't tried any other cutting tools, but I do recommend my Slice based on what I have used of it.
Easy Fabric Flower
Hi everyone! I found this easy little flower on a forum (thank you Karen Wilson) and thought I would share it with you!
What you need:
-hot glue gun
-a circle of cardstock or paper
-a pretty centre for you flower
Cut a strip about 1 inch wide and 20 inches long of fabric doesn't matter if it's not too straight. Cut a 2 and a half inch circle from cardstock(this will be what you adhere your fabric to). You can cut the circle from a piece of paper that matches the fabric just in case some shows through the fabric.
Place some hot glue in the middle of the circle or a glue dot. Put the end of the fabric there to begin the flower. Next, slightly twist the fabric loosely and begin wrapping it around the centre part you glued down. You will want to put little bits of hot glue down to stick the fabric to the circle with. You will need to work quickly as hot glue dries really fast. Keep going until you run out of fabric.
Once you are done, if you have any little bits of fabric left, just put a little hot glue on the back of the circle to fasten it down.
Then put your centre pieces on and you are done!
The two flowers that I made!
Ribbon and Button Border
Hi everyone!
This is a super easy way to make a frame for a big picture! It lets it show off the picture without being too boring or going overboard with the decals.
A couple years ago I made this great cover page for my kitten. I made a border out of ribbon and buttons and it turned out great! I just used one big picture and then wanted a border around it.
See what you think and can't wait to hear about your pages using this.
Easy Paper Pinwheel
Hello again!
Awhile back I made a pinwheel out of paper. I must confess that I didn't come up with this on my own, I used the idea from a forum that I subscribe to. I thought that the pinwheel was so great that I had to try it on my own!
You will need:
-Double sided paper
-glue dots (or hot glue gun)
-something for the centre (brads, button)
What you do is take a square piece of paper, I think I used 4x4 inches maybe, you need two of them. Cut them out using a piece of double sided paper.
Then you begin by cutting from the corners into the centre. Be careful not to go too far in or else you will have to start all over again. Once you have finished, place a glue dot in the centre and fold in all 4 corners until you have something that looks like a pinwheel. Repeat this with the other piece of paper. Select which one you would like to go on top and place your centre on it. I chose to use a button.
Then using hot glue glue the two together.
You will have something that looks like this when you are done!
Sorry about the shine it's really hard to get out of the book after it's in there.
Purple Butterfly Page
Hi everyone!
In case you can't tell my favourite colour is purple! I love everything purple. I tend to choose a lot of purple while scrapbooking. I am currently trying to branch out into different colours that I wouldn't normally choose, like blues and oranges. I find this difficult and I am always going back to purples and pinks. I really am going to make an effort to use more variation in my pages though!
Anyway, this page features purple and a butterfly theme! This is sort of a prelude to my wedding (yay!) because we are going to get married at a Butterfly Conservatory and have purple of our colour. Further more the picture on this page is my fiance and I. It's the first pictures we had taken of us after we got engaged. I love the way that this page turned out! I think it is gorgeous.
I got inspiration from my slice machine for this page. I wanted to use the word "together" on it as I thought it appropriate for the picture. I have a pack of pre-cut papers in purple, silver and a really frosty burgundy colour that I wanted to make use of. That is how I chose purple for this page. I just chose a plain black cardstock page for the background and then layered on the rest of the colours.
I wanted to make a big frame to have all the detail centered in. So I picked out a piece of purple paper and then measured a frame of 1" on all sides. I drew lines to guide me and cut it out using an exacto knife. The frame turned out great and I love how it looks on the page!
I used a piece of light purple paper from the package to put under the fame and on top of the black. Then I used a burgundy piece to put the 'together' on as it is the same colour of light purple. I wanted to contrast that word and draw attention to it. Since this page was arranged so nicely on the paper and I didn't want to muss anything up by moving something, I used a hot glue gun to fasten everything down. I started at the bottom with the frame and worked my way up gluing the outside edges down with little beads of hot glue. This worked extremely well and everything ended up as I had it laid out.
I happened to have a purple butterfly from somewhere, I think it originally may have come in a flower arrangement or as part of a decoration maybe. In any case I decided to put it on this age as it had a very similar light purple colour in it. Then to add some more decals I used a really old package of rub-on-transfer fairies which also had butterflies on it as well.
This page really came together, and I got to use up some old supplies that I still had kicking around.
Great Canadian Online Shopping
Hello again!
Yesterday I told you about a US store, today I am going to tell you about two Canadian stores that I love!
The first is called The Scrapping Bug. They have a great selection, and you can pay with PayPal too! I have ordered things from them on many occasions. Their website is:
Another store I really like is called Scrap That. They have this great program where you can get monthly kits sent to you. I personally haven't gotten any of the kits yet. I am going to, just waiting for one that has colours in it that I love! All of their kits do look very nice and for such a great price! You get so much stuff in them. I have only ever read great things about their kits online!
They can be found at:
Hope you all enjoy those sites!
*I received no sponsor for posting these reviews about the website mentioned*
Great Store Online!
Hey Everyone!
I found this great store to buy things from both online and on eBay. They have great prices, shipping was excellent, and the staff communication was great!
Their website is:
Their eBay store is the same name and I believe the user name is coleandcarsonsmom
I have gotten a lot of stuff now from them and I just love to shop from them. Even though they are in the States and I live in Canada.
Cat Page: Best Friends
We got our cat Winston awhile ago in August actually. I haven't had time to make any new pages that include him though. I decided to use pastel coloured paper because it's winter and I am sick of it. I wanted something that was cheery to lighten up the cold dull of the winter outside. This is why I chose yellow, purple and blue. Plus I had some cat stickers that matched them perfectly.
For the clouds and tag shapes, I used a stencil set that I bought from the dollar store. They are not very durable for using a shape cutter but they work great for tracing the shapes and then cutting them out with scissors the old fashioned way. These shapes I used for labels, the clouds for the cats' names and the tag for some journaling to explain the pictures.
Journaling is a first for me I must say. I just have never really tried or done that before. I thought I would give a go this time to see how it added to the page. I think I like that you can better explain what is going on with the pictures, maybe what you were doing that day etc. I know there are some products, paper wise, out there that are specifically made for journaling purposes.
The pens that I used are from Martha Stewart's collection. I am not a big fan of her products because they are so expensive, but I bought these awhile ago and tried them out on my page tonight. Now I did buy them a while ago and they are still good for using. They haven't dried out or gone chunky in their flow. Martha Stewart Glitter Pens, 6-Pack I am not sure if those are the exact colours that I have but I am sure they are very similar. I really like these pens, they have great colour quality and the glitter in them is awesome. They write nicely. The only thing that I did notice is that they start writing funny if you go over an area more than once. It starts to rub the paper away a little bit. Now they are a little expensive, but they are the best ones that I have tried and they certainly work the best.
For this design I just used regular plain card stock because I was working with shapes and glitter and some stickers. Now if you want you can use some patterned paper. I also didn't really have anything patterned that would have been appropriate for this theme I was working with.
To achieve the diamond shape, I just took a smaller piece of card stock, folded it until I got a square shape and then cut the excess off. I like making a diamond shape when using lots of colour because it gives it a bit more dimension. Also I was trying to incorporate basic shapes to illustrate that you can use simple designs to get a nice end result.
I used a pencil to lightly mark where I was going to put the pictures so that I could work around the pictures before fastening them to the page. This is a good technique to use in case you make a mistake with some aspect of the page so you don't end up ruining your picture by accident.
To fill in some of the blank space on the pictures, instead of cutting it out, I chose to put some stickers directly on the pictures. This is a different way of creating a fun look. You can add dialogue boxes or bubbles like I did, or you can put lettering on like I also did. I chose both to show you how it can still work on the same page without looking like there is too much going on there. Another thing you can do is to put some of the sticker on the paper and some on the picture.
I used some stickers of cats to create a sort of border in the corner. This just helps to draw the page together a bit to pull everything back to the centre focus. I chose cats because it's a cat page. These are just small stickers just to add some dimension to the page to take away some of those pesky big empty spots that can happen too often.
Then you can add fun little stickers like this one:
to fill in the spaces you want filled.
This page was to show you that you don't have to use fancy machines and need to have extreme artistic ability. I am by no means very talented with my artistic skills. I can match colour and have a pretty good spacial sense but I am no artist! I believe that everyone can make professional quality scrapbooking pages with simple shapes and designs. All you have to do is arrange things and add the right dimension with shapes.
I hope you enjoy this tutorial! I can't wait to hear about all your pages that you make!
Bye for now!
*I will post a picture of the whole page when I get a chance*
First Post
Hi everyone!
This is my first post on my new blog. I have been scrapbooking a lot more recently and I want to share all that with you!
I do have another blog, but it is more for everything that I like. Featuring makeup and different techniques mainly. I have been posting scrapbooking pages on there but I am going to transfer all those posts to here now!
I do have a bunch of new pages that I am going to feature on here so stay tuned!
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- 134 Subscribers
- 87 Fans
Blog Archive
- March Kit Video
- Favouite TV show Layout
- New Slice Cartridge- Je T'adore
- Scrapbook Nook March Kit: Layout 1
- Girls Just Want to Have Fun
- New Printer
- Easter Cards
- Make your own Embellishments- Part Two
- Make your own Embellishments- Part One
- Dream Christmas Layout
- Simply Paper Contest
- Cheap Supplies
- Slice Design Cuter
- Easy Fabric Flower
- Ribbon and Button Border
- Easy Paper Pinwheel
- Purple Butterfly Page
- Great Canadian Online Shopping
- Great Store Online!
- Cat Page: Best Friends
- First Post
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