Studio Calico Kit: Photograph Genius

Tuesday, January 29, 2013 0 Comments A+ a-

Hello everyone! I am back again. I just got a new job recently so I have been busy and my blog hasn't been updated due to that. I made this layout using the 34th Street kit I believe. I didn't write it down and I made it a while ago, so I might be wrong about that. I do remember that I absolutely loved that pattern paper and it was by Tim and Beck. 

The little picture on the layout is actually one of the photographer business cards. If you are looking for an amazing photographer and are in the Ottawa area her name is Chantal Benoit. She really is awesome. Her website is here and our picture on her website is here we are the top picture on the left. I just want to say that I don't get anything by promoting her I really just think that she is a great photographer!