New Years Resolutions

Tuesday, January 03, 2012 1 Comments A+ a-

How many people actually make New Years resolutions and keep them? I don't think that I have ever made any to be honest. 
This year is going to be different! Not only am I going to make some I am going to try my hardest to keep them! 

I am getting married in about a year and a half, so it is going to be my goal between now and then to lose a lot of weight! I want to look and more importantly feel good on my wedding day. Plus, all those pictures that are going to be taken I want to display them proudly in my home! This is goal number one, it is going to carry over into the next year too though. 

Next is a blogging goal! I have to make something that is relevant to this blog or else it would be pointless to even write it here! I am going to tie it into my first goal though so that I can be more accountable for it. I am going to make a scrapbook chronicling my weight loss journey. I will write down things that I eat, keep receipts for good grocery shipping trips, take a weekly photo of myself to show the differences in my body. I will put all this stuff into a box and then at the end of my journey I will make a giant book showing how far I have come! 
What do you think? Is this a good idea? I am hoping that I can do this because I think it will be a good way to really show what I have accomplished. 

Finally, I am going to try and post a new entry for my blog twice a week! This is going to be a challenge for me because I have to keep up with school and work part-time too, something has to pay for this hobby of mine!

Hopefully I can achieve all of these things and really make myself proud!

Blessings to everyone in the New Year! Hope it's a good one for you. 


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January 3, 2012 at 5:12 PM delete

I think this is a great idea and I will support you 100%. The Farmer's Pick is right across the road with lots of healthy food for us to eat and I will do my best to help cook more and clean more. Maybe I should make it my resolution to help you achieve your resolution! Love you, -Mike
