Review: Slice vs Cricut

Sunday, June 19, 2011 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi everyone! 
I thought I would write about the good and bad points for both the Cricut Expression and the Slice Elite. 

Slice Elite
Small and portable
can run on battery
glass cutting matt is restickable

Need to replace blade often 
4' max size
not as many cuts on the cartridge
tears paper a lot

Cricut Expression
More cutting options
expression cuts a large size
Some cartridges make things like bags
They have Disney character cartridges

Expensive (machine and carts)
Need to buy new matts every so often (can re-stick though)
need to have a power supply
Learning curve to use it

As you can see both machines have good and bad points. As far as cost goes the Cricut is more  money, but I think that the money goes further with it because you can get more out of the cartridges that you buy. The Slice ones do not have as much on them. 
In terms of using them, the Slice is easier to use, but the Cricut can do more things.
Both machines work hands free, that is if you buy the magnetic glass matt and collar for the Slice. 

All in all, I would probably recommend the Cricut because I feel like it can do more with one cartridge compared to the Slice. I haven't put mine away since I got it about 3 weeks ago. I have been creating with it non-stop. Whereas the Slice I have put away and only brought out for one project. 

Hope that this will help someone out there decide! Any questions are welcome!